About Me

Sorin Trifu, NordRanker.com

Hello! I’m Sorin Trifu, the face behind NordRanker.com.

My Story

My name is Sorin Trifu. I live in Bucharest, Romania [Europe].

I studied Electronic Engineering, and I’m currently working as a Business Analyst/Data Scientist for General Electric.

I’ve always loved working with numbers and have a data-driven approach to identifying problems and coming up with solutions.

I’ve been doing this for over a decade now, and I STILL love it.

I also enjoy spending time outdoors, watching movies, and reading—mostly biographies and books related to business and investing.

YouTube Expert?

I want to make sure you understand this: I’m not an expert when it comes to YouTube.

However, I fancied the idea of starting a YouTube channel for many years before I actually did it.

In the end, I didn’t even start a talking-head type of channel. Instead, I went for faceless channels. The first channels I didn’t really care about whether or not they would grow. All I wanted was to gather some data of my own so I can analyze and come up with some conclusions.

Which I was able to do VERY successfully.

Once I had enough data from my first few YouTube channels, I started analyzing it. The initial idea was to use that data and then pour all my effort into creating a channel of my own revolving around myself and sharing those conclusions with people.

I wanted the videos to be helpful, data-driven, and actionable.

In the end, I haven’t yet started a channel where I show my face [I’ll do that VERY soon], but I decided to share what I have found with you here on my blog.

That’s how NordRanker came to be.

Should You Even Listen To Me?

That is 100% YOUR choice.

However, I do think that I’m very good at what I do; by that, I mean data analysis.

I also think that I’m good at coming up with ideas on how to test things out so that I can make educated decisions.

That’s EXACTLY the approach I’m taking with this website.

I want to stand out in the crowd of websites that teach you about YouTube by REALLY putting effort into testing and analyzing data before I share anything with you.

Sometimes, due to a lack of data, I can simply create articles where I share my own ideas and opinions around subjects that I know about.

After all, I’ve been studying YouTube as a hobby for more than 8 years now, and I’m quite confident I can help you throughout your YouTube journey.

How Can I Help?

As I said previously, the majority of the articles I’m going to publish on this website are going to be based on data that I analyze myself. I’m going to do my best to provide you with data-driven answers to your YouTube-related questions.

On top of that, I’m also going to create content that revolves around VERY specific questions most people have when they first start a YouTube channel.

I’ve noticed how most websites that create content in this niche are so focused on creating content that can make them the most amount of money, and in my opinion, that’s a problem that needs to be solved.

I’m not about making millions from low-quality content.

I GENUINELY want my content to help you, regardless of what questions you may have.

Am I Legit?

I’ll let you answer that question for yourself.

As said, I don’t see myself as an expert. I’m a normal guy, just like yourself. But what I want to do differently is have a transparent, honest, and assertive approach to sharing any knowledge I have about YouTube with you all.

And for this to work well, I’m starting a brand new YouTube channel around the same time I’m starting this blog.

The channel is called NordRanker.

I do want you to understand that my camera presence is currently at its worst, but I’ll do it anyway, hoping that I’ll improve with practice.

If I can do it…


If you landed on my website and you didn’t find a clear, concise answer to your question, I sincerely apologize.

But I do recommend that you reach out and ask me whatever questions you may have.

It might take me a couple of days to reply, but I promise that I will.

Let’s rank up together!

My Socials

LinkedIn || Instagram || Reddit || YouTube